Sunday, January 13, 2008

ChAt CoRnEr :)



Anonymous said...

SASA!!!! i will be in eurpor in april 2009--starting in Italy! Iknow we can do this-we just have to meet-- i told we would someday soooo excited!!!!

Anonymous said...

opps i meant europe i am typing soo fast cuz i am soo happy can u imagine good things come to those who wait yippeeeee!!!

Saša G. said...

OMG???? Slovenia is bordering Italy!!!! Yupi!!!! I coud cry!!! Emily is in Geneva as We speak and You are coming next year? Thank You Miles!!!!!
Love You CathY!!!! Will be counting the days;) Big HEARTS to You!!!!

Anonymous said...

I know right i am soo excited! over the course of this year we can plan--i have to learn Italian now! I know a little bit but not enough my husband speaks some but not to much either and our children r coming too! Cannot wait to meet u my sweet friend!

Anonymous said...

sasa-sad day-julian earned his angel wings today i have nothing else to say --i am tooo sad-cannot imagine the Avery's pain!

Michelle Kemper Brownlow said...

Sasa,,,,thank you so much for the candle-lighting site link - went right there and lit one...put a link on my blog...
touched by you!